Saturday, September 25, 2010


Well it has been a long time since I've posted again.  We have been doing so many things!  Gardening, Traveling (Yes, Matt and I went away for a weekend!), Canning, Soccer, and School.  We have been busy researching on how to homestead.  It is so cool, and we both feel so strongly about it.  I've asked myself what does this really mean for us, homesteading.  Isn't that what we already do?  We live in a home and we make it work for us.  But it is more than that!  It's using the land that God created, tilling it, planting it, reaping from it.  Its using natural things that God made for cleaning, power, and heat.  Its cooking using the foods that God made.  Its teaching our boys how to work, how to use their talents, and teaching them to enjoy the work that they do because they are doing it for a purpose.  We are realizing that when we use our hands for the Lord in doing His work, it is rewarding.  Its not a chore, its a joy!  Do we struggle through it?  Yes, because we have been corrupted by the things in this world.  We are told quicker is better.  Easier is better.  More things in your house is happier.  Bigger is better.  But when the day ends and you put your head on your pillow, what do you remember?  You remember all that you did, all that you accomplished that day.  The people that brought a smile to your face.  Homesteading is hard work, but we enjoy it.  I think its because we did it!  We used our strength, our muscles, our brains to do it.  Not technology!  Are we totally there yet?  No, I still use my microwave.  (That's my challenge for the week, Thanks Linda) We don't have chickens or a cow. ( We are thinking about the chickens)  But we are working on it.  And enjoying the process!  Ok, I'll get off of my soap box.  This is where we are at right now.  Homesteading, think about it!

The top picture is where Matt and I went for our vacation.  Amish Country!!!  It was Great!!!!!!!!!  We love it over there.  So peaceful and calm.  I could move there very easily!  Now thats homesteading!


  1. Homesteading Rocks!!! In a quite, handmade, sweat of your brown kind of way...he,he!

    We love you and pray for God's direction over your life and your family. I love hearing all about this and learning from your experiences as you go through this journey.

    Love ya,

  2. Found you through the SPD network! Looking forward to reading!

  3. Excellent post! That picture looks like you took it here in Iowa. Does that help persuade you to come? ;-)
